To learn more about what the registration experience will look like from the student’s perspective, please visit NGSS CourseLeaf PATH Demonstration

NGSS CourseLeaf PATH Advising Demonstration



The Next Generation Student Systems (NGSS) CourseLeaf PATH Advising Demonstration provided an overview of new registration functionality from the advisors’ lens. Advisors will be able to use this new system functionality in March 2022 as it is part of the Release 2 Go-Live.This was a recorded virtual session, and the recording can be found here. Further, the slides can be found here, and the consolidated Question and Answer content will be updated soon.


Date Time
Friday, October 1, 2021 9:30AM – 11:30AM EDT


Audience and Reaction

The CourseLeaf PATH Demonstration was well attended by over two hundred and seventy-five participants including advisory group members, academic advising staff, and University leadership. Its reception was overwhelmingly positive, with many of the audience members engaging by asking questions and sharing positive reactions to the material presented.



Topics Discussed

  • CourseLeaf PATH Demo
    • Permission Request
    • Add/Remove Courses from Planner
    • Request Exception
    • Add Advising Note
    • List Advising Hold
    • What If Analysis

Advisory Terminology Changes

The transition to the Pennant suite of applications includes changes in advisor terminology. The specific changes in language have been identified and defined below.

To learn the student terminology changes, follow this link.


Penn InTouch Terminology
Advisor InTouch

Advisor engagement layer which hosts resources and access points to applications and tools, such as CourseLeaf PATH.

Pennant Terminology Advising@Penn

Penn InTouch Terminology

Unofficial Worksheet

Planning tool to explore academic options and programs.

Pennant Terminology Planner
Penn InTouch Terminology
Official Worksheet

Tool to verify how student’s past, current, and future courses will meet degree or program requirements.

Pennant Terminology Audit
Penn InTouch Terminology

Manual adjustment so that advisors can provide exceptions to standard requirements and/or academic procedures.

Pennant Terminology Exception



If you have any further questions, please contact the NGSS Change Management team at