Change management

Change Management

The NGSS program employs a structured change management approach. Starting with a clearly articulated program vision, this approach supports establishing a common commitment between program and University leadership.

With its partners in Schools and units, the team then works to identify how changes to processes, interactions, and specific tasks will affect Penn’s many constituencies, or stakeholders.

Assessment of change impacts begins as the system design takes shape and extends for an extended period. Initial findings are revisited and refined as the design matures and units develop a more detailed understanding of the adaptations required.

Once the expected effects of program changes are understood, the team can develop with its partners the tools to enable individuals to be successful using the new systems. These tools include continued communication as well as mentoring and formal training delivered via a range of methods. Training can address organizational, process, and technical topics.

The change management approach can be schematized in the following framework:

Change Activity Framework

Change Preparation Organizational Alignment
  1. Develop change imperative
  2. Assess / monitor change readiness and risk
  3. Engage stakeholders
  1. Assess change impacts and develop themes
  2. Activate change partnerships
  3. Conduct focus groups and roadshows
  4. Update mitigation strategies
Communications End User Training
  1. Establish channels and messaging partners
  2. Deliver messaging
  3. Capture feedback on messaging effectiveness
  4. Continuously adjust approach as needed
  1. Develop training needs assessment and strategy
  2. Design curriculum
  3. Create content
  4. Build sustainment plan
  5. Deliver training