crowded Locust Walk

Advisory Groups

Penn engagement is organized through three advisory groups that engage core users of Pennant from across the University: PATH, PFAAB, and PRAG. These advisory groups are the primary vehicle for the NGSS project to receive input and feedback from Penn stakeholders.

PATH Advisory Group

PATH Advisory Group provides guidance to the NGSS project for elements of the project that relate to academic advising, academic planning, and academic support. The Group, which includes students and advisors, also advises the project on the design of the user experience of Pennant Records and Pennant Financial Aid.

PATH Membership


Pennant Financial Aid
Advisory Board


PFAAB supports readiness for upcoming aid-related changes. This is achieved by informing members about the future state of financial aid processing and self-service, enabling information sharing between members and their stakeholders, and soliciting high-level, directional input for certain financial aid decisions.

PFAAB Membership


Pennant Records
Advisory Group

PRAG guides the NGSS project in planning, designing, communicating, testing, and training for Pennant Records. PRAG serves as a channel for Penn’s schools and central units to provide input into the NGSS project and for the project to provide information to the faculty, staff, and students in the Schools.

PRAG Membership


Business Advisory Group

Serves as the channel of information between the business leaders in the Schools and the NGSS project. Ensures alignment between the academic and finance leadership of the Schools. Identifies key questions or concerns about the NGSS projects.

Business Advisory Group Membership


Student engagement is especially important in the PATH Advisory Group, which includes representatives from undergraduate and graduate student government (Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, and Undergraduate Assembly) as well as student application developers from Penn Labs.

In addition to the advisory groups, existing governance groups such as dean’s councils and executive roundtables receive regular updates and provide guidance for key project decisions.

If you have questions or comments about the NGSS project, please refer to membership lists to contact one of your representatives on an advisory group or email